Men’s Sheds: Building Connections

Men’s Shed: Building Connections   In today’s fast-paced world, the quiet struggle of isolation often goes unnoticed. Have you ever wondered what keeps our well-being anchored during life’s many changes? For numerous men, especially in their later...

Bad Love

Bad Love:    Love and romance are important at any age.  Our need to love and be loved never leaves and can even grow as we age through later life stages.  But what about when it isn’t so good?  What about when it is hurtful and exploitative? In this article, we’ll...

Pocket Neighbourhoods

Redefining Community Living  As we navigate the later chapters of our lives, the longing for a connected community becomes even more pronounced.  This longing is fulfilled beautifully by the concept of pocket neighbourhoods, a term coined by Ross Chapin.  These...

Alan Atkins – Tripled Revenues in 1 Year

Then Added $75 Million in the Next 4 Years! Alan Atkins is an example of someone who recognized a good thing—took action to learn about it—and then completely turned his business inside-out with the knowledge he gained. Alan Atkin’s Success Story Alan is a Financial...